Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘Germany’

  • What did we learn from the Ehec outbreak?

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    During the Ehec outbreak in Germany last year, the government was unable to locate the origin of the bacteria for more than two weeks. The British Council‘s panel discussion on tomorrow’s security challenges, last Thursday in Berlin, was the occasion to ask high profile security experts their opinion on the […]

  • Session report: How barcamps can change the world….

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    A promising title- yet only few participants in the session. Were there no believers at the barcamp? Perhaps.. Indeed the title is very grandiose and my expectations about hearing a magic formula with which to cure the world were quite high. Of course I didn’t hear any such thing. BUT… […]

  • Pluses and Minuses of the Berlin Barcamp

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    Conferences and barcamps can be really great or they can be a dismal failure. The measure of success depends on the structure of participants, organization, topics and one element that is hard to describe even though it’s one you can actually feel – the ‘atmosphere’. Organization Despite the fact that […]