Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘india’

  • Sex Selective Abortions in India

    There is an old folk song from Uttar Pradesh, India, which beseeches God to protect the supplicant from a monumental injustice. The mournful tune goes, “O, God, I beg of you, I touch your feet time and again/Next birth don’t give me a daughter, give me hell instead.” Faced with […]

  • Developing Entrepreneurship in the Urban Slums

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    This article was originally drafted by Usha Ganesh and Intellecap for the newsletter “Searchlight South Asia” as part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Searchlight Process. For more Searchlight content on, please click here. Government Initiatives to Support Self-Employment According to recent reports, the government plans to create opportunities for employment and self-employment with the proposed National […]

  • Returning Indians in Search of the Indian Dream

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    At a recent dinner I bumped into two second generation Indians who had, a while ago moved to India from Britain and the US. Ravi had managed to jump the hurdles and settle down and was quite happy, but Neeraj’s story was different. Neeraj is a software engineer who returned […]