Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘Media’

  • Cambodia: A Turning-point for Freedom of Expression?

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    This article responds to the Secrets of Transformation multimedia series, a joint project of Bertelsmann Transformation Index and Deutsche Welle.  Freedom of expression has deteriorated in Cambodia even though it is guaranteed under international and Cambodian law. Cambodian citizens are regularly targeted, harassed, charged with criminal offenses and subject to politically motivated persecution for speaking […]

  • The Russian media follows where Fox News leads

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    This article responds to the Secrets of Transformation multimedia series, a joint project of Bertelsmann Transformation Index and Deutsche Welle.  If you Google ‘freedom of speech in Russia” in English you’ll get over 6 million results about everything from the lack of free speech and human rights violations to the Pussy Riot scandal and much […]

  • Workshop on gender sensitive reporting and labour laws, in Sialkot Pakistan

    Our Urgent Need for Gender Sensitive Reporting

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    Media craves news that attracts huge audiences and breaking news seems to be an indispensible part of every news channel. Reports having to do with women are always attention-grabbing, whether they be the appointment of the pregnant Marissa Mayer as CEO of Yahoo! in California or the shooting of Malala […]