Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘political change’

  • Aye and G’day, Ready to Break Away?

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    From Syria to Tunisia to Scotland, people seem to be taking political processes into their own hands. Are we shifting from a heavy reliance on those who once ruled and held complete power to building governance from the bottom-up? If given the opportunity to do the same, would Australia take […]

  • he Gulf Monarchies have formed a supra-national organization, the Gulf Cooperation Council. Photo by SpLoT at

    Arab Shift

    The Arab Spring uprisings have triggered notable shifts throughout republican Arab states. The story in the Gulf monarchies, however, is starkly different. The Gulf Monarchies are, for the most part, autocratic, hydrocarbon-rich states whose regimes derive legitimacy from tradition and an inflated ability to pacify populations through the distribution of […]

  • Picture by Joost J. Bakker

    The Greater ”WE” or the Stronger ”ME”

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    All the discussions about developments in today’s politics, society and governance inevitably start with the assumption that because the world has become a worse place to live in when compared to previous periods, all our mutual efforts should be directed towards making it work better. However, I am quite skeptical about this idea as […]

  • Threefold Democratisation via the Internet

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    „How the Internet Changes Our Reality“ was the motto for a BarCamp that was hosted by, the Humbold Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft and the Club of Rome. As you might imagine, this title left much room for a variety of sessions (Here you can see a list with […]