Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

All Recent FutureChallenges Posts

  • Box of Traditional Costa Rican food items

    Economic Immigrants: Cultural Conservation through Food

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    As economic immigrants, where do we find our cultural identity? The answers are probably as unique as every immigrant that arrives into a new country. So I decided to ask a few of my Latin American friends who have also migrated and ask them about the ties that connect them to their home culture.

  • Egypt: From Cosmopolitanism to Xenophobia

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    The focus this month in Future Challenges is on global citizens and migration, and how they are changing the faces of  our cities every day. In today’s world travel is cheaper and modern communications enable anyone to learn about other cultures and languages without leaving their own countries. So in […]

  • Migration to Israel

    Work to live? Or live to work?

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    I want to forestall any idea that the view expressed in this blog might possibly trigger controversy. I am talking for the most part on behalf of a more privileged third generation of immigrants to Germany. This however is not supposed to belie my awareness of the variety of other, […]