France: the global clockwork economy starts ticking
Sometimes names say a lot. So it may not be just a coincidence that Antoine and Charlotte live exactly at the intersection of the rue de Commerce and the rue de l’Abbé Groult (Abbé means “abbot”). Building on Antoine’s design talent and Charolotte’s business acumen, the couple launched their own start-up […]
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Parenthood makes you poor: realities of British and Polish single mothers
‘Tearing down the walls of silence, shame & stigma can empower women as pillars of the community’ – Zainab Bangura, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General on Sexual Violence in Conflict on the Annual Summit of Women in Parliament Global Forum. As a Polish national who lived in […]
The Mobile Revolution in South Africa
Numerous rapid online developments since the birth of Web 2.0 have undeniably played a major role in the increasing interconnectedness and transnational nature of the modern global economy. The communication, transmission and distribution of information and capital (whether tangible or intangible) are no longer limited by space or time. Markets have […]
A Tale of Two Sydneys
Sydney is characterised by a distinct polarisation between its disadvantaged western areas and its affluent eastern suburbs where the central business district (CBD) is located. This inequity derives from an inadequate urban planning model with respect to transport accessibility, housing development and employment creation opportunities. There is no future in […]
Poland or Coalland?
Dark, smoggy, poisonous … Yes, welcome to many parts of Poland. This is the only EU country whose economy actually grew during the recent recession. But there is a pricetag to be paid for this and that pricetag is the health of the Polish people. Never mind can growth and […]