Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

  • Are Subways the Gateway to Sustainable Growth in China?

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    Go to any of China’s major cities and you’re likely to find an underground metro system either up and running or nearing completion. The expense of building or expanding subway lines has often been the cause of political controversy in the West, but subways have found new enthusiastic advocates in […]

  • Bangladesh fights malnutrition … with zinc!

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      While its much affluent neighbour, India, is busy squabbling over a Right to Food Bill, Bangladesh has been busy. Bangladesh has just launched the world’s first zinc-enriched rice variety. With a country that’s fighting acute malnourishment, and which has one of the highest rates in the world with 41% of children […]

  • Empowerment and Endangerment of Female Labourers

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    Global scrutiny of the substandard working conditions of textile workers in Bangladesh’s garment factories intensified significantly following the collapse of the Rana Plaza textile factory, which is now considered to be one of the world’s worst industrial accidents. Much discussion has centred upon the industry’s exploitative practices that particularly impact […]

  • Is the Fabled Indian Growth Story Falling Apart?

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      A conundrum of modern times, the debate on growth versus sustainability is like the age-old question of the chicken and the egg — which came first? Or in this case it is a question of priorities. Should we prioritise growth over sustainability or vice versa? Or why can’t be […]