Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

  • Supreme Court in Brasília.

    A New Step for Brazilian Democracy?

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    The ongoing trial of several high-ranking public officials in Brazil involved in the mensalão scandal – a widespread corruption scheme – has caught the attention of the Brazilian and international media. In particular, The Economist has covered this issue in pieces that provide a balanced background for the non-Brazilian reader, while […]

  • Chamán Guaraní. Foto: Agência Brasil. Agencia Pública de Noticias.

    Mato Grosso do Sul en llamas

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    Abstract: Mato Grosso do Sul is in flames. Kaiowa Guarani Indians have announced in a statement its imminent demise. The reason is a Regional Federal Court judgment that mandating that 30 families leave their territories. The situation has become more serious due to threats by the landowners, and incursions of […]

  • El imperio de la sed en la potencia mundial del agua

    Foto de la autora   Abstract: Holder of 13% of the total global water, Brazil is currently considered the greatest water potency in the planet. However, paradoxically, it is estimated that about 45 million Brazilians, number corresponding to 25% of the total population, lack access to water. The vulnerability of […]