Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

  • Healthier without Wisdom

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    It was the 10th injection of anesthesia into my mouth, and I could still feel the dentist’s tools trying to pull my wisdom teeth. Thankfully, by the time the anesthesia was getting in, my wisdom was getting out. To get to this point, I had to wait six months in […]

  • People in front of the unemployment agency in Spain. Photo taken by Ekinez Sorty on Wikicommons. CC-BY 2.0.

    Finding a Job, Changing a Market

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    Much has been discussed about the recent wave of qualified migrants from Europe to Brazil, and how this is a solution for a hopeless generation in the Old continent. But what can their job-searching skills and aspirations bring back to the emerging country?

  • Brazil: Jobs in Hiding

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    When I moved to the United States from Brazil in August of 2008, I was ready to become part of the long-famous phenomenon of brain drain. As I first stepped onto my college campus, I envisioned the future smoothly: amazing grades, a wonderful finance internship on Wall Street, followed by […]

  • Rethinking National Development Banks’ role after the financial crisis

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    This article was originally drafted by Fernando Prada and the FORO Nacional Internacional for  the newsletter “Agenda Suramerica” as part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Searchlight Process. For more Searchlight content on, please click here. A recent survey of National Development Banks (NDBs) —state-owned financial institutions set out to foster economic development and social development as part […]