Egypt’s Patriotic Women: The Example of Shahenda Maklad
Future Challenges interviews elderly feminist and labor activist Shahenda Maklad
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A Woman’s Work is Never Done
As a Latin American woman immigrating to the USA, accepting new gender norms has not been as liberating as I though it would be.
Cambodian Women and the Economy
A traditional Khmer saying “sartrey bangvil cheung kran min chum”, meaning women cannot do anything besides moving around the kitchen, seems no longer valid in contemporary Cambodian society, at least to a larger extent. A quick glance at some figures can show why this is so: around 65 percent of […]
The Illusion of the Welfare State
Western cultures have developed an illusion of the welfare state. The US and Europe must correct this cultural misperception of what a welfare state can and cannot accomplish before they can successfully address its economic problems.
As I set out to put globalization into numbers …
Johannes Köhler-Kaeß is an economics and econometrics graduate currently on an internship at the Bertelsmann Stiftung. Some time back, in the course of my work with GED team – Global Economic Dynamics is a new program at the Bertelsmann Stiftung that deals with the dynamics of the world economy – […]