Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘economy’

  • Uganda’s remittances blues

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    Migrant workers’ remittances across the world are receiving special attention due to the increase in movement of people resulting from globalisation. The money sent home by the migrant workers is another engine for development most especially in developing countries. This is because remittance flows directly impact on consumption, savings and […]

  • Corruption holds Uganda’s Economy Hostage

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    When Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), recently told the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, that climate change not debt or austerity is “the greatest economic challenge of the 21st Century“, I quickly thought of my country, Uganda. I had a conversation about Uganda’s economic […]

  • Take and divide? No more Sharikov!

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    Whenever I hear about the so-called “welfare-state model”, I always think of Polygraf Polygraphovitch Sharikov. He is a protagonist in Mikhail Bulgakov’s fantastic story The Heart of a Dog. In the early days of the USSR, a professor-surgeon created a hybrid between a dog and a man, which turned into […]

  • People in front of the unemployment agency in Spain. Photo taken by Ekinez Sorty on Wikicommons. CC-BY 2.0.

    Finding a Job, Changing a Market

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    Much has been discussed about the recent wave of qualified migrants from Europe to Brazil, and how this is a solution for a hopeless generation in the Old continent. But what can their job-searching skills and aspirations bring back to the emerging country?