Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘El Salvador’

  • Rita Laura Melgar, de pie, mientras da tutoría a estudiantes de matemáticas en la Universidad de San Francisco. Esta salvadoreña comenzará a trabajar en la NASA en junio próximo.

    La fuga de cerebros: una salvadoreña en la NASA

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    Abstract: Rita Laura Melgar is a 27 year old Salvadorean, who became a mother when she was 16. As a brilliant student, she managed herself to finish her secondary and superior studies in El Salvador. In her own country, she worked as an assistant teacher, with a US$600 salary. Six […]

  • Las labores domésticas no son tomadas en cuenta en las cifras oficiales del PIB, pese a que organismos como el PNUD han calculado que tienen un importante peso en las economías. Fotografía propiedad de la autora.

    Las “mujeres mantenidas”

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    Abstract: The stay-at-home women around the world make a big contribution to global economy. The unrecognized work of women engaged in unpaid domestic work can equate to 40% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but the official numbers do not take it into account. The failure to recognize the true value […]