Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘employment’

  • The Vocational Training Option for West Africa

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    This article was originally drafted by Audu Liberty Oseni and the Centre for Democracy and Development for the newsletter “West Africa Insight” as part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Searchlight Process. For more Searchlight content on, please click here. Youth unemployment in West Africa has been attributed to low standard of education and training. Employers often lament […]

  • Ashok Bharti, Dalit leader, India

    Delhi Gives Hope but not Work

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    “People need hope, people need loving  People need trust from a fellow man  People need love to make a good living  People need faith in a helping hand…” So sang Abba a few decades back. Sadly, hope, trust, love and faith are all in short supply. Well, so are jobs, […]

  • Brazil: Jobs in Hiding

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    When I moved to the United States from Brazil in August of 2008, I was ready to become part of the long-famous phenomenon of brain drain. As I first stepped onto my college campus, I envisioned the future smoothly: amazing grades, a wonderful finance internship on Wall Street, followed by […]

  • Cairo, Egyp. Uploaded by neiljs on Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license

    Heartbreak by the Nile

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    Globalization has great benefits and great side effects. When the global economy is doing well, a lot of people try moving to the developed world for a better life while an ailing economy also forces people to find jobs elsewhere. Economic knockdown is perpetuating bad labor practices both in the […]