Final Globalization & Internet Workshop: Transatlantic relations under the shadow of surveillance
The forthcoming transatlantic free trade agreement (TTIP = Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) between the USA and the European Union was the main talking point of the final workshop of the Internet and Society Collaboratory’s 9th initiative jointly organized by Future Challenges.org and the Internet and Society Collaboratory. Held on […]
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#TTIP: Arbeitsplätze sind wichtige Argumente – Partizipation, Transparenz und Verbraucherschutz aber auch
Im Rahmen unserer Kooperation mit dem Internet & Gesellschaft Collaboratory unter der Überschrift “Internet und Globalisierung” hatten wir letzte Woche die Möglichkeit, den britischen Journalisten Glyn Moody als Keynote-Speaker und weitere interessante Teilnehmer bei unserer Panel-Diskussion in der Heinrich Böll Stiftung begrüßen zu können. Hierbei wurde deutlich, und entsprechende Berichte […]
Internet, Trade and Democracy: Transatlantic Relations under the Shadow of Surveillance
We cordially invite you to our public discussion, an event held within the initiative Globalization and the Internet, lead by Internet & Society Collaboratory and the blogger project FutureChallenges.org of the Bertelsmann Stiftung. The event – to be held mostly in English – will deal with the interactions between the Internet, trade and […]
The Future of Europe: Finality or Finale?
I have now been blogging on the subject of Europe and its future, if any, for quite a while so it’s high time to draw some conclusions. This is a vast subject and one quite dear to me so it’s not hard to keep writing, however modestly, on the subject. […]
The Future of Europe: Holistic Economics and The Human Uncertainty Principle
During these past few months I have been closely following Mr. Soros’ work and his ongoing debate with Hans-Werner Sinn over what the best solution might be for the eurozone crisis. In general I tended to lean more towards Mr. Soros’ perspective as I felt, and still feel, that […]