Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘gender’

  • Does the Military Have a Gender?

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    The Military: A Male Institution by Definition “The military, the defence forces have no gender. Military only has power, the capability to fight, authority and social prestige. The unity of the defence forces does not know gender or age. There are female soldiers and there are male soldiers. Professional competence, […]

  • Women’s Work

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    Economic imperatives and demographic shifts worldwide necessitate ever greater participation by women in the worldwide workforce. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, our bloggers share their views on this trend – what is gained, and what, if anything, is lost?

  • Who is your favorite woman in STEM? (Bettybrewer on Flickr, CC-by 2.0)

    Women in Science: Why So Few?

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    When a  few years ago I first got interested in this topic, I obsessively read all I could about it. The oldest paper I found at that time was from 1965 and bore the title: “Women in Science: Why So Few?” Yes, it’s the same as the title of the current posting […]