Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘globalization’

  • Can we find the correct balance between the state and civil society?

    Relationship Trouble

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    What is the future of the relationship between the state and its citizens? Will the social-welfare state rise supreme, or some variety of unfettered capitalism, with minimal state involvement? Will new models rise instead? What can citizens expect from their governments in the future?

  • Cairo, Egyp. Uploaded by neiljs on Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license

    Heartbreak by the Nile

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    Globalization has great benefits and great side effects. When the global economy is doing well, a lot of people try moving to the developed world for a better life while an ailing economy also forces people to find jobs elsewhere. Economic knockdown is perpetuating bad labor practices both in the […]