Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘International Women’s Day’

  • Dear Moldovan Women,

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    Dear Moldovan Women, I know you have been waiting for this day the whole year, Women’s Day, the day when your neglectful husband will buy you a flower (ONE) and will “surprise” you with the same welcoming words as every year, telling you how wonderful, pure and candid you are; […]

  • Does the Military Have a Gender?

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    The Military: A Male Institution by Definition “The military, the defence forces have no gender. Military only has power, the capability to fight, authority and social prestige. The unity of the defence forces does not know gender or age. There are female soldiers and there are male soldiers. Professional competence, […]

  • Women’s Work

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    Economic imperatives and demographic shifts worldwide necessitate ever greater participation by women in the worldwide workforce. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, our bloggers share their views on this trend – what is gained, and what, if anything, is lost?

  • Las labores domésticas no son tomadas en cuenta en las cifras oficiales del PIB, pese a que organismos como el PNUD han calculado que tienen un importante peso en las economías. Fotografía propiedad de la autora.

    Las “mujeres mantenidas”

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    Abstract: The stay-at-home women around the world make a big contribution to global economy. The unrecognized work of women engaged in unpaid domestic work can equate to 40% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but the official numbers do not take it into account. The failure to recognize the true value […]

  • Women on the Board

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    No doubt about it, the situation of women in society has improved dramatically. My great-grandmother, for instance, probably left her native village for the first time when she ran away from the forced marriage arranged for her. She emigrated to the States and after a while returned with quite a […]