Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘pakistan’

  • Preventing the rollback of democracy in Pakistan

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    A couple of days ago, the country faced a nationwide electricity blackout for several hours when the main national grid station tripped and backups crashed. When we heard the news, the first thought that ran through the minds of many people, myself included, was that perhaps the army had overthrown […]

  • Journalist Nighat Hunzai - Among working women of Pakistan -- Photo by Internews on Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

    Towards A Gender Friendly Economy

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                          One question frequently voiced in Pakistan is why many educated women decide to sit back at home rather than working and participating in the country’s economic growth. Currently the literacy rate is improving along with a positive increase in […]

  • A College Degree is Just Not Enough!

    Money is the root of all evil. This statement is as true today as it was some years ago. The world’s economy is suffering and Pakistan is on the high road to the next economic depression. Maybe we will be the first to suffer as the MIT predicts that the […]

  • Pakistan: An inferno for minorities?

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    The year 2012 was a relatively grim one for Pakistan when it comes to minority rights and the notorious blasphemy laws of the country. One of many incidents worth noting took place right after Pakistan celebrated its 65th independence day in the sacred month of Ramadan with a vow to […]

  • Governance for Urban Empowerment

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    This article was originally drafted by Nisha Kumar Kulkarn and Intellecap for the newsletter “Searchlight South Asia” as part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Searchlight Process. For more Searchlight content on, please click here. The poverty and inequality statistics of South Asian countries highlight that human and social development have not kept pace with economic growth, […]