Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts from ‘Global Issues’

  • Create Moldova or Creative Moldova?

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    I would like to have written about the consequences of the global intergenerational competition. However, this dilemma does not apply (yet) in Moldova which has only a small number of workers who could join the global competition for jobs and measure up to the educational and professional requirements of the […]

  • Dominoes in Philadelphia


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    With ever-stronger bonds across borders and oceans, an economic crisis in one part of the world is bound to impact others. How can we ensure that our growing connectivity makes each of us stronger and more resilient to crises?

  • Cairo, Egyp. Uploaded by neiljs on Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license

    Heartbreak by the Nile

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    Globalization has great benefits and great side effects. When the global economy is doing well, a lot of people try moving to the developed world for a better life while an ailing economy also forces people to find jobs elsewhere. Economic knockdown is perpetuating bad labor practices both in the […]