The Tragedy of the Ukraine and the Slow Descent of Fear
A noted and ostensively neoliberal Romanian writes a scathing reminder that Odessa is but 5 hours away from the Romanian border. The Prime Minister discusses conscription plans. The Ministry of Defense authorizes a draft medical certificate to be used in case of draft. Social Media runs wild with speculation and […]
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“No boats for 100 days:” The human cost of Operation Sovereign Borders
The Australian government boasts that no asylum seeker boats have arrived in over 100 days. Yet these questions remain unanswered: how many boats have been turned back?, where have they ended up?, and at what cost? Despite having earned a reputation as one of the most prosperous, democratic and multicultural nations […]
Wanted: Guts for the Ukraine Army
An oligarch opposed to Russia offers rewards for the capture of commandos occupying government buildings. He’s serious. But his countrymen are laughing until they cry. KIEV, Ukraine—Since the Ukrainian army is not proving very effective against pro-Russian commandos in the East of the country, a prominent oligarch has adopted a […]
Russia Tells ‘Tourists’ How to Go Fight in Ukraine
Moscow now offers a how-to guide for Russians who want to raise hell in Ukraine, and it’s working. Ukrainian businessman Volodymyr Ryabov has decided to improvise his own checkpoint between the Russian border and his home town of Luhansk in eastern Ukraine. He’s pulled concrete blocks from the foundation […]
Rwanda: Never Again
I believe some of you have heard about the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. This April the people of Rwanda are marking 20 years since the genocide was stopped by a rag tag rebel group of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), the group that is currently ruling Rwanda. The genocide claimed […]