Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘migration’

  • Uganda’s Lost Generation

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    Victoria Masika can hardly speak her mother tongue. If Victoria attempts to speak her parents’ native language she does so with an imperfect accent. “Many times I feel embarrassed when my peers speak our mother-tongue very well; which I can’t,” she says. Victoria, 20, is now in her first year […]

  • Will Iceland soon be without any doctors?

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      There is one remarkable thing about Icelandic doctors: they actually work in Iceland. Despite lower salaries and longer hours that they could expect in many other countries, they usually return home after specialising abroad. However, this may not hold true for much longer. Many doctors have resigned over the […]

  • Crossing Borders For Health: Mexico and the USA

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    When you consider what nations have the most effective health care systems, most Mexicans think of countries like Cuba, where the welfare state provides comprehensive general medicine, or France, where the complete health care system is mostly financed by a governmental national health insurance. Their home country of Mexico hardly comes to mind. […]