Demolition of the welfare state: what comes after?
Does the demolition of the welfare state mean the emergence of a new social model? Development based on consumption is not the answer; should we change our habits or keep repeating the old mistakes? The European crisis has imposed new problems on the world for which we must find new solutions.
2012 and 2013 through the lens of the Agenda: Suramérica Searchlight function
This article was originally drafted by Fernando Prada and the FORO Nacional Internacional as part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Searchlight Process. For more Searchlight content on futurechallenges.org, please click here. Conventional wisdom during 2012 was that the region was developing in two tracks —distinguished by the impact of the economic crisis in industrialized economies. A first […]
Intelectual y madre: ¿discriminación en la academia?
Abstract: A few days ago, in an academic meeting, I was surprised to hear from a renowned anthropologist woman that she had rejected a postdoctoral candidate. The reason? The candidate had two children. What prevents a woman with children participating from academia?, I asked myself. That the academic world is […]
Reclaim your city!
Internet is a promising tool in the strengthening of democracy, thanks to its potential to foster more participation in public affairs. In Rio de Janeiro, a project called Meu Rio is empowering citizens to voice their opinions with respect to local politics, in a non-partisan perspective.
Watch Great Women on TV, but Follow Real Examples for Life
More than ever, many filmes and series on TV portrait women’s work. The American TV shows Homeland and The Good Wife are good examples of that. However, who are the women in real life in Brazil that could change their own lives and others with their work?